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Jan 29, 2014

February Reading Logs and Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe

Can you believe it is almost February?

In preparation for the upcoming month I recently updated a few of my homework packet pages... Now I am ready for Monday.

My 1st graders do such a great job on their weekly reading logs and they are really enjoying these new tic-tac-toe spelling activities.

You can grab your own copy of these below.

February Reading Logs
February Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe



  1. thanks. these are so neat!

  2. These are wonderful/ I just came across them tonight. Did you just start this in January? I would love to use these with my wall words. Could you tell me the font used and I could cover up the word spelling with wall? I look forward to more of these. I think the kids will have lots of fun. Thanks

  3. Not to be a nit picker :) but nickel is spelled incorrectly on the tic-tac-toe.
    It's still super cute though!!

  4. My students and I just love your tic tac toe spelling activities. I have several parents that look forward to helping their child with them each week. I keep watching for you to publish a March or April one...hope you do soon and thanks for sharing!

  5. Can I please get a March and April reading log?
