The absolute easiest way to have my student practice blending, decoding and reading new words is to add all the words into a PowerPoint Show and set it to run automatically or have a student be the "mouse clicker" moving us from slide to slide. We go through the show slowly on Monday and by Friday... we are whizzing through ALL the words.

My weekly PowerPoint shows focus on the spelling pattern and/or phonics skill for the week, which of course is dictated by our Reading and Language Arts curriculum.
You can grab my UNIT 1 PowerPoint Shows below. There are 3 presentations in all. (Each has been saved for use with both older (.pps) and newer versions of PowerPoint (.ppsx) Unfortunately, in order to protect graphics copyright, I am unable to save them as .ppt for individual editing)

The shows included focus on vowels:
Short A
Short I
Short O
HERE to grab yours for FREE.
If you find these useful - all future units will be available shortly in my TPT store.