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Oct 15, 2011

Using Writer's Eyes

If you haven't yet seen Mrs. Phippen's adorable Writer's Eye Glasses, you have got to check them out. This bulletin board is just too cute for words and one I knew I was going to have to "COPY."

So as soon as I got the chance, I started working on the posters to go with the giant glasses. In the meantime I also happened upon the oh so chic posters that Cara Carroll at the First Grade Parade created after being inspired by the same post. (Don't you just love her stuff?)

Anyway, mine are not so chic but they match my classroom colors and as you can see include our class mascot - froggy.

To HELP motivate my students to actually use these new posters and edit carefully, I gave them an actual pair of "WRITER'S EYE GLASSES (frames only of course), to wear during the editing process earlier this week. I have been saving my 3-D movie theater glasses for a few years and finally have a class set! I simply punched out the lenses.

My students looked so SMART in them and they actually took the editing phase very seriously when they were given these props! I only hope this "MAGIC" continues when the novelty wears off!

Click here to download. 


  1. Replies
    1. Sailing Through 1St Grade: Using Writer'S Eyes >>>>> Download Now

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    2. I am unable to get it to download. Can you please send to my email dnations@greenville.k12.sc.us

  2. I love these! Seriously, everything you make is so cute! Keep it up! Thanks!

  3. So glad that I found your blog. I love your ideas!


  4. I love these posters. How did you get the cute black/white polka dot background?

  5. Love love love the frogs!!!


  6. This is great! Thank you for sharing!

  7. I saw Mrs. Carroll's writer's eyes a while back and they are too cute. Yours are adorable too! I've made my own set to go with my bee theme and what I expect through the year from my writers. I'd like to post them on my blog, but don't want to step on your toes (or anyone else's either). Please let me know if you are okay with my "copying" you. peschaff@bresnan.net
    Love the 3D glasses idea!

    2B Honey Bunch

  8. Thank you very, very much for sharing! :o)

  9. Love this idea! I have been trying to find a way to get my kiddos motivated to edit their work - this is perfect!!! Thanks you so much for sharing. (I'm a new follower too!)



  10. These are great! Thanks for sharing!
    I love the glasses idea!!! Def. a fun motivator!

    I'm your newest follower!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  11. Just found these on Pintrest! Super Cute! I'm your newest follower!


  12. What an awesome idea! I'm going to make booklets and set them next to the basket of glasses for the kids to use when they are ready to edit!

  13. These are great! I can't wait to use them.
    Thanks so much!

  14. These are WONDERFUL! Thank you so much! Love the glasses, too! Can't wait to get my own set!

    Folowing you...


  15. These are great...and so cute! They will be very helpful to my 2nd graders. I can't wait to get them up on the wall. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  16. These are great. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  17. Totally creative and WONDERFUL!

  18. Just stumbled upon this idea! Love it! Thank you for sharing!

  19. Wow, Those are so cute. Thanks for your willingness to share!

  20. Love these! They go with my frog theme of Hoppin' into Literacy. Thanks for sharing!!!

  21. Love these posters!!! Thanks so much for the share!! Cant wait to use them in my class. I am now your newest follower :-)


  22. CUTE POSTERS...LOVE THEM...Printing and laminating this week to use NEXT year. THANKS, Jayne

  23. AnonymousJune 03, 2012


  24. I'm glad you like the Writer's Eye. Did it work well for you? I always find it fun with the first graders. Thanks for crediting me too.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. These are so adorable! Found them through Pinterest!
    Thank you!
    Carolee Wolf

  27. These are fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing.


  28. Debbie, I was wondering where you got the frog clip art that you used on these posters. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these posters, but I am teaching only math and science this year and was thinking of incorporating the posters into my classroom for math :o). Thanks! Michelle ncteacher4321@gmail dot com

  29. I love the Writer's Eyes idea. Thanks for sharing! I just found your blog through Pinterest - very nicely done.

    I am new to blogging and would love it if you would take a minute to check out my blog. I just became a follower of yours. http://scrappyteaching.blogspot.com


  30. These are so cute! I am going to have to start saving my 3D glasses (wish I had thought of that! we have been to so many 3D movies!) :)
    Crayons and Curls

  31. I love the Using Writer's Eyes posters, but I am having trouble downloading them. Could you please e-mail them to me? Thanks so much!


  32. Thank you for sharing - these are great!!!

  33. Thank you so much, from France!!

  34. Super cute! I always tell my students to be good word detectives so your frog is dressed perfectly.

  35. Wow! How did I miss these till now. Love them! I teach second and was wondering if you would have the time to create a printout like those above with "I see words that are spelled correctly." (emphasize spelling) Thanks again for sharing!

  36. I LOVE this idea! I don't have enough 3D glasses, but maybe I can go get some sunglasses at Party City and punch the lenses out. I recently started up a blog and a TpT account- I am definitely going to follow you. Your stuff is adorable!


  37. marvelous doodlekit web templates http://casinogamesonlinee@blogspot.com

  38. A fantastic resource and great prompts. Thank you for your generosity. Loving the 3D glasses hoarding. Well done you!

  39. Just came across these! Love them. Thank you!

  40. Just found you on Pinterest! What a cute idea! I am your newest follower!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  41. Thanks very much for sharing. These are great.

  42. Just came across while looking at teacher blogs. I love these; it was just what my "Writer's Bulletin Board" needed. Thanks for sharing

  43. Love your frogs! Thank you so much for sharing.

  44. I love these posters and plan on using them this year. I purchased some safety goggles from Harbor Freight to use as my writers glasses- they were 1.50 each and I got about 10 pairs. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea!!!

  45. What a great idea, I can hardly wait to try it out with my Year 2's

  46. I love these...setting up my writer's center with these.

  47. Thank you so much. Great posters

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  50. Sailing Through 1St Grade: Using Writer'S Eyes >>>>> Download Now

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  52. This is such an insightful post—developing a writer’s eye is such an important skill for crafting compelling stories! On a side note, if you’re also focused on health and wellness, check out the Dengue Test Kit from Oscar Bio—it’s a convenient and discreet way to stay proactive about your health. Thanks for sharing this valuable perspective!
