Mar 26, 2014

March and April Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe

I received a very nice comment a few days ago about my Spelling Tic Tac Toe activities. Yay!

In case you were wondering...I just love to hear back from teachers who are actually using my materials... or who plan to in the future. In fact, the more comments I receive, the more FREEBIES and more regularly I post.

Anyway... the comment ended by asking about whether or not I had a tic-tac-toe sheet for March and April. I do of course - put had only put them on TPT.  Since...sadly, no comments for a while.

However, since you asked Jessie Rue... here they are for FREE!

I hope you, your students, and their parents ENJOY! Have fun spelling!

Mar 6, 2014

March Measuring

This week my firsties are working on measuring length using standard and non-standard units.

Since I had already planned a mini-Read Across America event for Monday, followed on Tuesday with Mardi Gras, and then St. Patrick's Day the following week, before heading off for Spring Vacation, I thought I would create a March-themed measuring booklet for my kiddos that included all 3 of these celebrations.

I had a lot of fun with this one - trying my own hand at writing rhyming verse like the dear Doctor. It actually turned out pretty cute... but best off all- my students are really enjoying the booklet and are getting lots of practice measuring using inches, centimeters, paper clips, and linking cubes. They are also learning how to use approximation - and determine the nearest whole or half unit when measuring.

And to top it off, my early finishers are enjoying coloring the pages...and they claim they LOVE measuring! Yippee!

Grab a FREE copy HERE before Monday, March 10th. After that, you can find it in my TPT store.

Please let me know if you find any typos.