May 15, 2013

Wh and Th Word Work Freebie

This week our spelling focus was on the digraphs TH and WH. Although these last few weeks of school are super busy - I did sneak in a few moments to create a few word work activities to help practices our weekly skill and word lists.

You can grab a FREEBIE copy of them HERE.


  1. Thanks for the freebie! It looks great!
    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  2. Thanks for the freebie! My students love write the room activities!

  3. very cute! I love finding word work ideas :)


  4. Is it just me or is it the fewer days there are remaining the more we need to squeeze in?

    Thanks so much!

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  5. Thank you for the awesome freebie; be assured that they are going to be put to good use. I adore the whale chart it is exactly what I needed to get my kids motivated to learn the different sounds and patterns. We especially liked working on the word find.

    Online PhD UK Programs

  6. I just found your blog and LOVE IT. This will be a life saver since we are getting ImagineIt! for next school year. Unfortunately, we won't get them until 2 weeks before the kids arrive. I love the spelling for those early six units, but I can't get the pdfs to print correctly. Can you tell me what font you used so I can buy it or download it? I've tried Fonts for Peas, but that didn't seem to fix the words being too close together. Jane

    1. I finally got things to print correctly. I've been bragging to you to my principal. Thanks, again.

  7. Thank you so much for posting this - it's huge help and just what I need for tomorrow's lesson!
