Jan 31, 2013

100 Day Hats

Tomorrow is our 100th Day of School ...and we can hardly wait to celebrate!

Each student in my classroom will be coming to school in a original "100 Day" Hat that they created at home with the help of their parents. Each month I assign a family project  - and this was the one assigned for January.

Of course I had to create a 100's Day Hat as well. This is the one I created tonight- modeled by my 4th grader. What a trooper!

There are exactly 100 pieces of 100 calorie popcorn hot glued onto a popcorn container I already had. It was simple to make, completely original, and I didn't have to spend one cent.

I am anxious to see what my first graders have come up with - we have kept this one a big secret!

Click here to grab a generic copy of the parent letter I sent home to introduce this project.


  1. Thanks for sharing this - I love this idea! :)

  2. Thank you! We're excited to try something different this year!
