Jan 11, 2012

Seasonal Calendar Numbers for Pocket Chart

I ordered my  first calendar pocket chart over the summer in preparation for teaching 1st grade. I thought it would be a lot easier to manage than the calendars I used years ago,  when I had to staple the numbers on the bulletin board. Well, it is easier - but my calendar just isn't as cute as the ones I had more than a decade ago. So I decide something had to be done! Over the winter break, I created a year's worth of calendar numbers and monthly headers... I am hoping these will do the trick! We shall see...

In any case, I would love to see a post or link to pictures of all of your creative classroom calendars... I am in need of some major inspiration.

In the meanwhile, I am posting the February numbers I just finished creating as a FREEBIE for those of you who are feeling like your calendars are as BORING as mine! Grab yours HERE.
Or... if you like these... and they are better than what you currently have, you can purchase an entire year's worth of numbers and monthly headers (over 70+ pages worth) in my TPT store.

Can't wait to see YOUR Calendars!


  1. So cute! Thanks!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  2. Oh my gosh! Debbie, I love these!! I cannot believe this is a freebie!! Thank you so much! Rebecca from Teaching First

  3. These are so cute! Thanks so much for sharing them. I can't wait to use them next month. Please stop by my new blog (new design in the making!!!) for some freebies.

  4. Very cute calendar items! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Kristen KepJuly 18, 2012

    Hi! I was wondering what program you used to make the numbers themselves!! I'm working on a theme for my classroom this year and was thinking about designing my own calendar numbers but wasn't sure what program to use! :-) Or where the template could be found! :-)
