Oct 24, 2011

Open Court Imagine It! Unit 4 Support Materials

For those of you using Open Court... I will be working on the 1st grade Imagine It! materials for Unit 4 this week. So stay tuned! I was able to get a little head start this evening and completed the Big Idea and Focus Questions. So I thought I would post them now just in case anyone will be starting the unit this week. Return to this post in the days ahead to grab the spelling lists, pretests, etc.  Happy Teaching!

Unit 4 Lessons 6-10

Unit 4 Lessons 11-15


  1. I love your blog!! I actually just found it this week through pinterst. I wanted to ask you where you get all of your fantastic images for your posters. I'm a 3rd year teacher and I'm interested in making some of my own things and possibly creating a blog but I'm having trouble finding any good images to use that are cohesive.
    Any advice would be great!

  2. I am so loving your blog! I teach Kindergarten so I am unable to use any of your 1st grade SRA goodies. I did send the link to all of the First Grade teachers at my school so that they can see all your great ideas. I was wondering if there is a Kindergarten teacher that works at your school and uses SRA that you could hook me up with so that maybe we can collaborate. I have found a few other blogs that use SRA but none of them are Kindergarten. If you are able to help me it would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you for any help!

  3. What a wonderful blog! Like Jenny above, I teach K and am wondering if you have a K link for Open Court...

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. I have been looking for someone that teaches using the first grade Imagine It! program---so excited to have found your blog!! Thanks for the awesome resources, we start Unit 4 the Monday after Thanksgiving so this will help greatly with my unit planning.

  5. Your blog is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm wondering if you've used open court in the past. Our school has the 2004 version and many of us would like an update. Have you used a prior version of open court? If so how similar is it to imagine it? Thanks for sharing your awesome resources!

  6. Hello... Thank you for sharing these awesome resources! If only my local system would allow me to teach the program as written. Our schedule is extremely rigid. How and when were you able to find time to get it all done?
